Lock It XPress

This Application software is developed by me on my own interest.

This software Application is used for Locking the Folders for privacy purpose.

This Lock It XPress Application is developed in Visual Basic 6.0

The Basic PC Requirements are...

->A PC running on Windows 9X(95,98,Me)

->No estriction on RAM, HDD space, Processor speed

->MSVBVM60.dll - the Dynamic Link Library File for running VB applications, Available in Magazine CD's or can be downloaded from the microsoft.com

For more details and Queries Mail Me urvisu@yahoo.com


Screen Shots of Lock It XPress

Starting Window. This form will Appear in 4 different colors find out, this is red, others Green, Blue, Black First Screen after Logging Locking Folder Selection Window
SignUp Window Password Changing Window

Note: Mail to urvisu@yahoo.com for precautions to be taken for using this software.
Warning: Using of this software is on your own Risk.